Columbia University Mental Health + Work Design Lab leverages extensive scientific expertise to provide thought leadership, content expertise, and strategic guidance on advancing mental health at work.
コロンビア大学Mental Health + Work Designラボは、職場におけるメンタルヘルスを進展させるための思考的リーダーシップ、コンテンツの専門知識、および戦略的指導を提供するために、豊富な科学的専門知識を活用しています。
One Mind at Work is a global coalition of organizations committed to the development and implementation of a gold standard for workplace mental health and well-being.
One Mind at Work は、職場におけるメンタルヘルスとウェルビーイングのための質の高い基準を開発し、導入を進める国際的な組織連合です。
Columbia University Mental Health + Work Design Lab leverages extensive scientific expertise to provide thought leadership, content expertise, and strategic guidance on advancing mental health at work.
コロンビア大学Mental Health + Work Designラボは、職場におけるメンタルヘルスを進展させるための思考的リーダーシップ、コンテンツの専門知識、および戦略的指導を提供するために、豊富な科学的専門知識を活用しています。
One Mind at Work is a global coalition of organizations committed to the development and implementation of a gold standard for workplace mental health and well-being.
One Mind at Work は、職場におけるメンタルヘルスとウェルビーイングのための質の高い基準を開発し、導入を進める国際的な組織連合です。
Bring together CHROs, related senior leaders, and C-suite executives to champion mental health initiatives in Japan.
Utilize the Mental Health at Work Index to measure and improve workplace mental health efforts and establish a regional benchmark.
職場のメンタルヘルスの取り組みを測定し改善するために、Mental Health at Work Index を活用し、日本のベンチマークを確立する。
Develop long-term strategies through executive roundtables and symposiums that deepen engagement and drive action.
The average professional will spend 90,000 hours at work over the course of their lifetime. Employers have a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to create mentally healthy workplaces by reducing exposure to psychosocial risks and hazards, promoting capacity building and stigma reducing efforts, and providing high-quality, easily accessible care. For Japanese corporations, this is especially crucial as they face a shrinking workforce, intense competition for talent, and a younger generation demanding greater attention to mental health and well-being.
Director, Columbia Mental Health + Work Design Lab
Mental Health + Work Design ラボ ディレクター
Workplace Mental Health Research Associate & Lead Japan Strategy Analyst