This work is supported by a measurement system that aids continuous cycles of improvement and is accelerated by connectivity among workplaces.
We convene leaders to transform approaches to brain health while addressing mental health disparities and working toward a society and health care system that acknowledge there is no health without mental health. Our members make a long term commitment to promoting workplace mental health, improving access to treatment and preventative services, and to creating cultures that support education and awareness.
Most people access healthcare through their employers. Mental health is no different. For One Mind, addressing mental health within the workplace provides an opportunity to reach impact at scale while simultaneously helping businesses to thrive.
Employers need to create mentally healthy cultures that enable their workforce to thrive personally and professionally. Companies can play a powerful role in promoting the mental health of their employees, but work can also create stress and increase anxiety. Leaders need to work intentionally to protect employees from unnecessary stressors and provide access to high-quality care.
Most people access physical and mental health benefits through their employers. But if organizations aren’t supporting a healthy dialogue around mental health needs and self-care, people won’t feel comfortable reaching out for help when it’s most necessary. Building a mentally healthy culture will increase utilization of benefits that services and lead to better outcomes for employees.
We are seeing unprecedented innovation in the mental health space, but not all new programs and resources are supported by scientific evidence. Leaders need to be strategic and rigorous about the services they introduce, and ruthless about measuring their impact.